Check out these pictures of Keelie from back at the 5-month mark.
She has Daddy's feet!
She’s almost six months old now.
It really looks like Keelie will be crawling any day now. She has mastered sitting with little support, rolling over from any position, and gets up on her hands and knees. She also does her best to get off of the sofa and to the floor. She’ll turn over and “climb” the pillows on the sofa. I’ll try to get her to crawl, but so far she sticks to rolling to move from here to there, since she knows how to do that.
She really likes this thing, and we'll put her in there when she's fussy and nothing else is soothing her, and it usually works.
We have Keelie on a strict diet of breast milk... and flowers.
It was a Saturday evening two weeks ago when I last updated this blog. That day, I gave Kori one of her anniversary gifts early (we both maintain wish lists on, because it was a book on getting babies to sleep through the night. Then it occurred to me that the book needed a prequel... a DVD on how to find the time to read when you are a new parent!
Well, as it turns out, after Keelie finally fell asleep at 1am, she ended up sleeping straight through until 11am. Woo-hoo!!! She must have seen the book and realized the jig was up! Poor Kori, though, woke up a few times wondering if something was wrong. We would later learn that Keelie must have forgotten that she ever saw the book. Oh well.
Keelie's taste test says that there is no lead in the toys.
The World Famous More In-Demand Than Lion King Tickets Annual Keel Family Christmas Party was good this year.
The place quickly filled up with the usual suspects, most of them people from Pam & Bill's church. Keelie was getting lots of attention, of course, and it was nice to let other people share the joy of holding her, which gave us breaks.
Santa showed up and thrilled everyone...except for Keelie, who did NOT like being held by the jolly fellow, even though he had glasses and plenty of beard for her to grab hold.
As the title of this post indicates, we celebrated our third wedding anniversary. Woo-hoo! It was Kori's year to plan.
Kendra and Steve were very kind to watch Keelie as we dropped in on the Disneyland Resort. Being without pregnancy or height restrictions for the first time in a long time, we rode Space Mountain, the Matterhorn, and Big Thunder Mountain before catching the holiday fireworks show. Then we hopped parks and rode Tower of Terror.
Dinner was the Napa Rose in Disney’s Grand Californian. We'd eaten there once before. They are supposed to be really good with the wines, but there was no way Kori was drinking any and I wasn't going to drink any since she couldn't. Dinner was nice but took a while. It was late when we picked up Keelie.
Here's Kori posing with the dessert. Notice the writing in chocolate syrup.
Back at home, we exchanged our anniversary gifts.
Okay, because you're still reading this... here's another cute picture of Keelie to reward you.
We went to my office holiday party at the end of a workday. There was a yummy buffet, one drink per person included, and a raffle. We left after the raffle was over and before the dancing started.
...but not before we got some good pictures of Keelie in a Christmas dress.
Here we are fighting over the bottle.
Keelie grabs my necktie to draw me closer to "clarify" who should control the milk bottle.
Keelie raises her arms in victory.
She shows off her ruby shoes, telling us she can get us home with a couple of heel clicks.
Keelie got to see one of her doctors again, and he’s pleased with how she is doing. He told us we can start her on solid foods. We’re planning to after she sees her regular pediatrician again.
Last weekend, we made it to an annual Christmas get-together of some current and former Disneyland Custodial people. The group has monthly get-togethers at a Hometown Buffet, but this was at an apartment. Like the department, it is an eclectic mix of people.
Check out Keelie impersonating a fly trap...
The writing says "All Mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night". So true.
We kept up the tradition of gathering at the Keel home to decorate. That was this past Thursday. Last night, we went to a party at Dave & Jenn’s to congratulate Dave on his graduate degree. Way to go, Dave!
Here’s Keelie right after a workout.
This afternoon, we made Bill & Paula’s annual holiday party, which was good as always.
So, as you can see, we’re keeping very busy. Thanks for stopping by. You can comment here or send us a message at KEPellman [at] yahoo [com].
One last thing.
Since you have been so good, here’s video of Keelie doing “peek-a-boo”. She loves it. You can hear her laughing if you listen closely. Normally, she’ll pull the blanket over her face and pull it off by herself. But she’d already been doing it for a while this evening before we got the camera going, so I had to help out a little.
My Last Half Marathon Race
A little over a year ago, on January 14, 2024, I participated in my last
half marathon race, at the Disneyland Half Marathon event, which heralded
the re...
3 days ago
1 comment:
I live near Disney World. And honeymooned there. And now have 2 girls ages 10 and 11 and go all the time (Premium Annual Pass).
So I wonder if they will hit an age where they say "Not disney again mom."
But they haven't yet.
For spring break it was Disney passes or a week in Hawaii. They chose Disney.
This week the kids are out of town. So where will dad and mom have private time?
yup, disney.
Saratoga Springs Resort, Mexico Dinner and Pleasure Island to be exact.
So, if that day comes that the girls don't want to go, i'll let you know. In the meantime they say the only thing we have NOT done at disney is a kids athletic event, so we're thinking the Jan 2009 5K.
Otherwise, we've seen it all and can tell you all about it when you come that other little park across country.
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