Sunday, September 10, 2006

Everything's Different Five Year Later

Kori and I have enjoyed a weekend home together, the second weekend home together in the last several months. She had surgery very early on Friday and has been recuperating while I've been taking care of her. While the pain has been intense, she wishes she would have had the surgery years ago.

Five years ago, as we were unknowingly on the eve of the biggest world event of our lives (so far), our lives were different. We didn't even know of each other. Now, we're a few months from our second anniversary. Back then, we both had different working schedules.

Life has changed a lot, both with world events and with our personal lives. Personally, we're both better off. (I think I got the better deal, but I can safely say we're both better off.)

We have friends who've recently given birth and some who will soon. More of our friends are married. There have been a couple of friends who've passed on. I guess that is the natural way at our ages.

Hopefully, your life is getting better, too.


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